Thursday, April 30, 2009

4 Months Out: Life is good again!

This might be the final post in the blog, but I hope to remember to come back to it in a year and see where I am at that point.

Life continues to improve! I have reached every one of the goals I set before my surgery so far, and the only one that looks even moderately difficult at this point is running the 5K race in July.

I can run now, however, and I have recently been able to run a full mile without stopping! Finally making it a mile was HUGE for me, because when I first started running again I could barely make it even 1/10 of a mile. I was VERY, VERY out of shape after 4 months off. I have done the full mile 11 times as of today, and I am hopeful that I will be at 1.5 miles by June 1 and be able to run the 5K in July.

I was able to SKI 6 weeks out from my surgery and ski WELL! I skied blacks, I skied bumps--everything I used to do. This made me VERY happy, of course. The one thing that I could not do was snowboard, because I did not have the strength back in my left calf muscle to do it. I still could not do that, based on how I feel right now. I am hoping that by next winter I will be able to.

I don't have to take any regular meds anymore, even Advil. If I have any pain in the morning I will sometimes take an Aleve, but that's it. There really is almost no pain in my back at this point. It is mostly an issue of trying to work my leg muscles back into shape and trying to make those nerves regenerate themselves and WORK!

I guess if I had to give it a percentage I would say I am at about 50% right now, but I was in pretty darn good shape when this started. I think most people would be happy to be where I am right now, and I plan to get MUCH better still!

If you have a spinal tumor and are reading this you need to know that life is GREAT for me only 4 months out of surgery. I play soccer with my kids, I play basketball with them, I coach several soccer teams, I run, I ski, I bike--I can do almost everything I could before, albeit a little more slowly and less athletically.

The spinal tumor diagnosis is NOT the end of the world. Don't believe all the bad news you read online. Your life can and probably will be excellent again. Do not lose hope! Feel free to contact me if you are going through this yourself:

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I am writing this post 3 weeks and 4 days from my surgery, mostly for anyone who finds this blog online and has a spinal tumor like I did. I am writing again to offer HOPE, because there is a lot of bleak material online about spinal tumors like schwannomas or ependymomas.

Today I biked about 4 miles and power walked 2 miles (with about 20 yards of light jogging thrown in there, just because I wanted to see if I could. The old spine said "not yet, please" after about 20 yards.)

I am completely off all pain meds--have been for a couple days now. Is there some pain? Yes. Is it overwhelming? No. It gets more manageable every day. Not much at all in my back today. My legs are very out of shape, which I am working hard to remedy. The surgeon removed a nerve, so there will have to be some compensation from others. I'm working hard to make it happen.

In the past two weeks being home, I have power walked about 40 miles on the Anchorage Trail, and I have been able to get on my bike for three days straight now. I do sets of stairs every day, as well.

I am still cautious about lifting anything, but I have begun my upper body conditioning again, in a very limited way.

My point is that it is not all gloom and doom after this surgery. You will find so many reports online of people who are completely devastated. While I am nowhere near 100% (or even 50, honestly) yet, I plan to be, and life is already better for me than it was pre-op.

If you are reading this and have a spinal schwannoma, know that life can be good again. I will update again in a month or so, when I hope to have made even more significant progress in my legs and back.

One final note: Uncle Mike, I will miss you. You were a second father to me growing up, and I really, really appreciated your support during this difficult time. Rest peacefully.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Home at last...

This will be a short post, but I wanted to let everyone know that Megan and I made it home today at about 5:00! We were SOOOOO excited to see the kids! It was a great evening--our usual family Mexican night, followed by some yummy Graeters. I drove the car for the first time since surgery this evening--another step! Tomorrow morning, it's the normal soccer games--I am so stoked that I get to go! Life goes on now. The big steps have been taken. Now it is time for MANY, MANY little baby steps. Rehab will take time...I gotta TRY to be patient. I am just happy to be walking around right now, albeit very, very slowly:-)

I am preparing to ascend into a phase of intense THANK YOUs!!!!! to everyone who offered support during this time. If you are still reading this, THANK YOU! and you should plan to hear from me personally sometime soon. I have the best family and friends around. GO CARDS tomorrow--tough game against a hot shooting Nova team. Oh...and GO CAVS!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Death of the Walker

Today was a huge day. I feel 1,000,000% better. This morning I took a shower, shaved, got dressed (still a little help from Megan needed with the shower logistics and the shoe tying...grrrr....), and Megan, her mom, and I spent the day out here in Medina and Akron. I decided that today was the day I would ditch the *&%$%$* walker, and I did.

I walked all over the place--in stores, around parking lots-- and the more I walked the steadier I got. The balance is beginning to come back--it has been a dramatically better day in that regard. I feel GREAT, to be honest. Megan and I walked by the lake today, and we walked up and down the street many times, despite the cold, ice, and snow. Megan, again, has been great about walking with me whenever I ask her.

We can't wait to get back to the 'ville and see the kids and everyone else, but the time here has been just awesome. Megan's mom, a nurse, has been wonderful, and my parents have been their typical amazing selves in support at home, keeping the kids' lives pretty normal. We watched the Cards whip up on USF tonight--GREAT to see E5 get back on track on Sosa thriving. Who knows--these guys might yet become a team. OK--that's all for now. See you guys soon!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

One Week

Well, if you had told me one week ago right now that I would be able to sit up and type this, I'm not sure I would have believed you. Nothing earthshattering to report today, except that I continue to make steady progress and I have the BEST wife, family, and friends in the world. Lots of walking around today, and I am working very hard to ditch the walker (sooooooooo annoying). I feel good, thanks to the incomparable care of my incredible wife and her family here. Snowed here a little today; very pretty to walk in. Thanks to all of you who continue to send good wishes; please keep in touch--it keeps me smiling. I think Megan and I will likely be back in Louisville by Friday. Talk to you soon.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

go cards!!!!!!!!!!!

I truly do not possess the verbal ability to express the absolutely overwhelminging gratitude I am currently experiencing towards all who have shown me such unfathomable care. When I am a little more able to be be stable (mentally--sin narcoticos) and physically, plesase plan on my tackling you all with big hugs. I realize that this sort of thing is, in reality, a very selfish experience. I asked a million favors and offered nothing in return. I am sorry to all of you whom I have inconvenienced, and I promise I will do all I can to repay you. Please just know that my gratitude is off the charts. I have MANY, MANY people to thank, which I will do on an individual basis. The single biggest superstar, however, and the person to whom I most owe the speed of my current pace of recovery is my incredible wife. Megan: you are the best nurse in the whole world, you are the best wife in the whole world, and I just cannot possibly tell you how much I love you.

As far as progress goes, I am getting better every day. It truly is amazing how quickly the body can recover. Now, I won't be doing any backflips anytime soon...but the fact that I am now able to walk VERY slowly across a room without the aid of a walker represents some sort of freaking miracle, compared to where I was when I got out of surgery only 5 days ago. I still use a walker to go most places, but I will be heaving that thing aside ASAP. Today Megan took me out around town; we took a bunch of laps around Target, drove around town, and had some fun. The most difficult things for me to do right now include getting in and out of bed and getting in and out of cars. You would LAUGH at me if you saw how long it takes. I laugh at me!

Please allow me also briefly to extol the incredible people of Cleveland, both my wonderful family here, who made me cry a million times with their kindness, and the medical team at the Cleveland Clinic. I am telling you, they are simply the absolute BEST in the world. Dr. Edward Benzel...I love you...not like THAT!!!:-), but I love you. When I am less pumped full of drugs and better able to find my muse, I will be better able to express just how great you and your team were.

Finally, as it is now t-minus 1 hour and 10 minutes until the gam


Saturday, January 3, 2009

Days 4 and 5

Day 4 - Last night Clark's Mom stayed with him from 9-12, my mom came for the rest of the night, and Clark's dad arranged for me to have a room at their hotel so I could get a good night's sleep and a hot shower :) I arrived back to the Clinic at 6:15 am and Clark had my Mom up and walking laps (this was in addition to the three laps he made her take at 3:30 am.) Around 11am, Dr. Benzel came by and said that he thinks that Clark is doing great and that he expects the strength in his foot and left calf muscle to return over time. Later, Paul (the friend who is responsible for helping Clark come under the care of Dr. Benzle) stopped by. It was great to see him and get to thank him again for all he has done for us. Clark was up and at it throughout the rest of the day. Every time Clark is up, he is stronger. PT came and Clark went up and down a flight of stairs in the Clinic. 20 laps later and a good rest later Clark and I had a late night (1-2 am) date including a shared Subway sandwich and strolling down an unchartered corridor. We slept soundly the rest of the night.

Day 5 - This morning Clark walked from the bed to the doorway without his walker! My brother Chris showed up at 9 am with memory foam ready to help me get the car and all of our things ready to go. By 10 am we had all necessary prescriptions, instructions, and our discharge papers. It was time to knock out Goal #3 - to walk out of the Clinic. The people at the front door insisted that Clark leave in a wheel chair... so Chris wheeled him out and Clark promptly got his walker and walked back in so he could WALK OUT ON HIS OWN POWER!!! That means goals 1-3 ACCOMPLISHED! We set out and my dad met us a few block from the clinic to say goodbye - it should be notes that we thank him for the first peice of memory foam - but 4 inches was just too big for my car (oh, and Clark is eternally grateful for the triple thick chocolate milkshakes you never failed to pick-up at McD's :) We headed to my Mom's house in Chippewa Lake, OH (40 miles south of Cleveland) - she is the best nurse I know and we decided to stay with her for a few days to let Clark get stronger for the rest of the journey home. Today we, worked on steps and walking AND got Clark into a pair of soccer shorts and his favorite C-A-R-D-S RED REIGN T-Shirt. After a long day, he is resing on the bed my mom and I prepared using the couch, a board, and the memory foam :) He is making such great strides everyday. Likely the next post will be from him.... Thanks again for all of your comments and support!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

day 3 - you can't keep a good man down :)

It is only 10:30 and Clark has taken 3 walks with his walker! When I woke-up at his side this am, he was practicing the "log role" from side to side keepin his spine and legs aligned. He did not get to see the U of L game last night (no ESNP 2 at the CC) - I think this is a good thing. Dr. B has his hopes set on us setting off for home either tomorrow or Sat. We will raise and flatten the passenger seat in my car and stop every 40 min for me to help Clark get to his feet and strecth. Staying in one position too long makes the muscles tigh and makes moving more difficult. Clark's mom is planning to move in for as long as needed to help with Alex and Lily so I am free to help get Clark back up to speed! We have the same nurse today - Jim. He is GREAT!