Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Death of the Walker

Today was a huge day. I feel 1,000,000% better. This morning I took a shower, shaved, got dressed (still a little help from Megan needed with the shower logistics and the shoe tying...grrrr....), and Megan, her mom, and I spent the day out here in Medina and Akron. I decided that today was the day I would ditch the *&%$%$* walker, and I did.

I walked all over the place--in stores, around parking lots-- and the more I walked the steadier I got. The balance is beginning to come back--it has been a dramatically better day in that regard. I feel GREAT, to be honest. Megan and I walked by the lake today, and we walked up and down the street many times, despite the cold, ice, and snow. Megan, again, has been great about walking with me whenever I ask her.

We can't wait to get back to the 'ville and see the kids and everyone else, but the time here has been just awesome. Megan's mom, a nurse, has been wonderful, and my parents have been their typical amazing selves in support at home, keeping the kids' lives pretty normal. We watched the Cards whip up on USF tonight--GREAT to see E5 get back on track on Sosa thriving. Who knows--these guys might yet become a team. OK--that's all for now. See you guys soon!


  1. Clark, we're thrilled about your progress. You no doubt have your mother's indomitable spirit and determination. Please give Megan our regards and appreciation for her ongoing TLC. Trudie & Bill

  2. Hi Clark and Megan--

    Great to hear about Clark's progress! Just wanted you to know that I saw Alex in the hall the other day at school and he looked like he was having a great day. I'm sure that both kids can't wait to have you guys home though. We're all looking forward to seeing you--


  3. one attaboy on the walker.let me know if you need anything.
    uncle mike

  4. Clark,
    Me alegro que estas caminando mejor y que te sientes mejor. Hablando de muchas recubrimientos aca, es como felizidad ultima cuando uno progresa. Pero ten cuidado...porque dias dificiles llegaron tambien, y hay mucha depresion. Asi es la via de recuperacion. En mis muchas experencias, eso es lo mas dificil. (Estoy pasando uno ahorra...con un problema de infamacion de mi nervia siatica..y mi pie)
    No vi los Cardinales ganaron a USF porque no tengo television "cable". Estan mejorando...y se juegan mi Universidad de Notre Dame en la semana que viene.
    Hoy dia, abri cajas de cosas de ensenanza de KCD y encontre muchas cosas sobre Pine Mt...incluso canciones "16 Tons" "Dark as a Dungeon" (magnifico. Tu tienes que aprenderlo y cantar lo), libros, folletos.. Voy a pasar las materials a ti.
    Otra nota que refleja la justicia. El sin verguenza, tonto, idiota, porqueria jefe de la escuela basica de Collegiate ..lo quitaron afuera la semana pasada sin avisar los maestros y parientes (padres). Lo eviataron afuera sin explicacion. Tuvimos una fiesta de maestros el dia del rumor...para pasar informacion y aprender si fuera la verdad. Este Lunes, los maestros llegaron y lo notificaron ofcialmente...sin ningun explicacion. Ahorra vamos a tener un gran festival al celebrar la salida del "chancho"!!

  5. Clark,
    I am thrilled to hear how well you are doing. The first email hit me hard and I couldn't imagine what you and Megan had been going through in the past few weeks. To know now that you are on the other side of the surgery, out of the hospital, and ready to head back to kids is so wonderful. Your wife is a truly amazing individual (but I have know that since we were little girls). I know that in the day to day functions of life it is easy to forget how great life is and how lucky each of us is to be blessed with the loved ones around us. I also know from Megan that you are an amazing man yourself. All those years ago at your wedding I knew that the two of you were made for one another and NOTHING would break that bond. As I read these posts they remind me of your wedding day when I went to my hotel room that evening knowing that you two would be happy for the rest of your lives. I am so glad that this bump in the road is passing quickly and will continue to follow your progress as you return to those two beautiful children. I am sure Nurse Wendy has loved having you both and will miss you when you head home. Take care!
