Sunday, January 4, 2009

go cards!!!!!!!!!!!

I truly do not possess the verbal ability to express the absolutely overwhelminging gratitude I am currently experiencing towards all who have shown me such unfathomable care. When I am a little more able to be be stable (mentally--sin narcoticos) and physically, plesase plan on my tackling you all with big hugs. I realize that this sort of thing is, in reality, a very selfish experience. I asked a million favors and offered nothing in return. I am sorry to all of you whom I have inconvenienced, and I promise I will do all I can to repay you. Please just know that my gratitude is off the charts. I have MANY, MANY people to thank, which I will do on an individual basis. The single biggest superstar, however, and the person to whom I most owe the speed of my current pace of recovery is my incredible wife. Megan: you are the best nurse in the whole world, you are the best wife in the whole world, and I just cannot possibly tell you how much I love you.

As far as progress goes, I am getting better every day. It truly is amazing how quickly the body can recover. Now, I won't be doing any backflips anytime soon...but the fact that I am now able to walk VERY slowly across a room without the aid of a walker represents some sort of freaking miracle, compared to where I was when I got out of surgery only 5 days ago. I still use a walker to go most places, but I will be heaving that thing aside ASAP. Today Megan took me out around town; we took a bunch of laps around Target, drove around town, and had some fun. The most difficult things for me to do right now include getting in and out of bed and getting in and out of cars. You would LAUGH at me if you saw how long it takes. I laugh at me!

Please allow me also briefly to extol the incredible people of Cleveland, both my wonderful family here, who made me cry a million times with their kindness, and the medical team at the Cleveland Clinic. I am telling you, they are simply the absolute BEST in the world. Dr. Edward Benzel...I love you...not like THAT!!!:-), but I love you. When I am less pumped full of drugs and better able to find my muse, I will be better able to express just how great you and your team were.

Finally, as it is now t-minus 1 hour and 10 minutes until the gam



  1. Clark,
    I am sending you lots of positive thoughts and can't wait to see you back at school! What a journey! The body is amazing in its ability to heal, but remember to take it easy too. Dr. Paul is Althea's and Benjamin's eye specialist (was... I didn't realize he had moved! He is such a nice man!) and it sounds like you had the best advice and care you could get. Best wishes and I'll be following your updates.

    Sincerely, Lisa

  2. That is so great that you are walking! Our family has been thinking and praying for you often. Maybe when you get better you can come up to Michigan and visit so we can jam on guitar together!


  3. Clark,
    I cannot believe how quickly you are recovering. What great news! Thank you for keeping us posted so that we don't have to be asking Megan, however, if there is anything that we can do, including food, please let us know. I wish you a speedy recovery and a happy year 2009!
    Maria Hardy-Webb

  4. Clark,

    It is great seeing you in the picture wearing your U of L gear! Know that we are continuing to pray for you. Take care and GO CARDS!


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Clark, I completely agree with you! You have a wonderful wife, Megan truly is a SUPERSTAR! Go Megan, you rock!
    Oh, and it's great to hear about all that walking you're doing too. Personally I would hang on to the walker a little while longer for the sympathy factor but I'm glad to hear you're doing so well!
    Julie whitted

    January 8, 2009 12:17 PM

    (Edited and re-posted to correct a grammatical error.)
